Phone Number
- 801-691-3747 (If you call and nobody answers, please send a text)
Please check upcoming weather reports in order to pack appropriate clothing and gear for your child. It is generally 10 degrees cooler at our camp than in the valley.
- The cost for the three day two night camp is $100 per student.
- Cabins are provided for all campers. Each cabin has multiple twin beds and twin bunk beds.
- We can accommodate approximately 120 students per session.
- Each household will only be able to register one 5th grade student (If you have multiple 5th grade students in your household, we will make sure that multiple 5th grade students in your household will get into a session if you are able to register one of your students successfully. Please contact Shawn Rawlings at 801-489-3021, ext. 6 or at shawn.rawlings [at]
- Shadow Mountain is scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Prescription medication: We collect, control, and dispense all prescription medications while at camp. Please give all prescription medication to the camp staff at check in and send written instructions with each medication. No loose unlabeled medications should be received by the staff.
- Over the counter medication (decongestants, ibuprofen, eyedrops...) should be in a medication package and can be kept with your camper.
Participants will travel to and from Shadow Mountain on District school buses. The transportation schedule is as follows:
- Students leaving on a Monday will meet at the pickup location site at 7:30 a.m. and return to the same location by 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday.
- Students leaving on a Thursday will meet at the pickup location site at 7:30 a.m. and return to the same location by 3:00 p.m. on Saturday.
The drop off and pickup location for every session will be the Summit Center located at 165 S. 700 E., Springville, 801-489-3021, (Old Springville Jr. High location) in the East parking lot.